Pricing Information

All services offered through iVelz have varying pricing ranges. Services offered are broken down into Pricing Tier's that are based on the project's complexity level and/or professional level needs. Below is a breakdown estimate of costs per Tier. 

Graphic Design Services 

*Important: For e-Book services, individual pages can be requested if a client is not looking for a larger project to be completed, refer to the flyer/Poster/Full Page for pricing. Singular e-Book pages fall into this category.*

Other Design Services 

Merch Custom Request Services 

*Disclaimer: iVelz holds full rights to use and distribute any custom designs that are to be uploaded for purchase through the public shops upon a client's failure to purchase the items requested as intended. If the client wishes to hold ownership over the design, the client must purchase the design from iVelz. Refer to the "Merch Image Design Only" section above under "Other Design Services" for pricing and terms of receiving the files.* 

Website Design Services 

*Important: The fees listed on iVelz Website and/or that are given during consultation are only for the cost of iVelz services rendered. There may be additional costs incurred through the website host of your choosing, which is to be paid separately to that host.*

*Important: All services offered are subject to additional fees, and/or estimated pricing changes. All services may be subject to an additional $50-$150/ per hour rate for any added and/or ongoing requests made beyond the scope of the project or past the agreed upon timeframe of project completion. Pricing varies based on project complexity.*

*To make a payment for services provided, click the "Make A Payment" link at the bottom of iVelz website. All current payment options will be available there. Instructions for payments will also be given during the initial and closing consultations as a reminder. Other payment methods may be accepted as well at iVelz discretion based on what is more convenient for both parties. Discuss payment options during the consultation services.*